The World

The Loremongers takes place on the colorful and mysterious world of Geosyl. It's history is long and mostly forgotten to time. It is vast, dark, and is host to many terribly dangerous places. Geosyl's secrets, if they are to be plundered, would require no small amount of courage and sacrifice. But that's a different post.

The most important aspect of Geosyl is its location.  Geosyl lies at the very center of the universe.  It is the point on which the spinning top balances, so to speak.  All matter in the universe orbits in some way around Geosyl.

Geosyl was the first planet pieced together at the beginning of creation, and is the blueprint for all other planets that followed.  The yet-to-be-written laws of the cosmos failed to fully define and realize all of its properties, and so has had to guess for all future planet creation.  Earth, as an example, is one of its closest attempts.

Geosyl has a set of rings that orbits around it known colloquially as The Southern Arc, created as a result of the first Rite of Titans, a sacred duel between two experienced and fully realized Veilborn.

In addition to rings, Geosyl has two stars it could consider Suns: The hunter sisters Surachate the Elder and Eluchate the Younger.  Both maintain complex orbital paths around Geosyl.  No matter the location, Surachate will always look bigger than Eluchate.

The hunter sisters also have a brother: Geosyl's moon, Ruk.

Once every four years, Eluchate will separate from her sister to bring tidings to her brother.  This will bathe all of Geosyl in a soft afterglow during the night for a week, increasing the saturation of nighttime colors drastically thanks to the makeup of Geosyl's atmosphere.

Geosyl's makeup has changed drastically since the beginning of the universe, encompassing nearly any type of terrain.  It was once flat until the universe reorganized itself, and many places within the world are currently sealed off to both time and space... for now.

Geosyl has many natural spatial doors hidden on and far beneath its surface.  There's been at least one for every single planet that has been made.  Most pathways have been destroyed, or forgotten to the universe, or have fallen to decay. But some still maintain an ounce or two of their former vigor.  There are at least two, for example, that still maintain a connection, however frayed, with Earth.

Geosyl has both a northern and southern poll. The Northern poll is an arctic wasteland. The southern poll hedges a vast, unexplored ocean.

There are two known masses of land, both with explored and unexplored territory.  The Western Continents, settled by the Malikyn and the endangered Faekyn, and the Kall Territories to the east, brought to bear by the Kallokyn.  There are legends and mithical stories of other lands and Kyn as well.

There are a select few majorly and very obviously supernatural expanses that occupy the world of Geosyl.  These places mark the spots where the Rite of Titans has been performed.  Among these places are an entire jungle of fire and crystal, waterfalls that curve and arc through the air which then split and scatter into colorful "butterflies", a 30 mile wide whirlpool that touches the deepest part of the ocean floor, floating islands that produce clouds linked together by chains wrought of lightning, a two-mile-high ancient tree with produce that would dwarf the average human, and a mirrored lake that captures anything it reflects upon its surface.  Even the Splitting of the two major land masses is the result of the Rite of Titans.


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