The Loremongers are a secret group of scholars and treasure hunters who's goal is that of the complete subjugation of the history of Geosyl, and all of it's secrets unfolded and laid bare. Be it via cunning intellect or brute force (or more often then not a heaping helping of both) The Loremongers seek to out and bind every myth, legend and artifact they can find from every deep, dark abyss of a hole they come across to the written page and, once compiled, spread that knowledge to any who need it. While the cause may seem noble, be assured that the Loremongers are equal parts infamous as they are famous, and are made up of some of the most ruthless types imaginable, many of them going to extremes to get what they want. The Loremongers may fight monstrosities of incalculable shapes and sizes in their quest for new knowledge, but becoming in return monstrous is often the only solution to many dark and horrific situations. He who fights monsters and all that... The Loremongers...