
Showing posts from April, 2013

Final Project Update # 1

Last week I had the pleasure of sitting down with Tom Richner , and he's proved to be an invaluable resource of information pertaining to the craft of world building and show bibles. This week he's bringing in reams of pitch bibles from tons of successful shows for me to look through. Thanks Tom! You're great. I don't care what they say. The Loremongers is chugging along at a nice pace. I've started preliminary sketching for characters, and have gotten a surprising amount of chapter one's rough draft done. Like, twenty pages or so. That puts me ahead of schedule! Who's excited? This guy. You can't see it, but I'm pointing at myself. It's me. I'm the one who's excited. Starting Wednesday, and every other day thereafter, I'm going to post about either a character or unique aspect of the world I'm building and provide a few interesting tidbits to go along with it. These quick updates will keep me from going insane, and...

Final Project Schedule

Here's the schedule for my Pitch Bible Project. It's Kind of rough, since I'll have to sort of play a lot of it by ear and make stuff up as I go along, but it's the basic gist.

Final Project: Proposal

Deciding what my final project should focus on was pretty tough. I wanted to do something meaningful. Something I could continue to work on and polish beyond the month we have in class. I thought about using this opportunity to jump-start a graphic novel idea I've been kicking around in my head, but I'd also like the project to have a decisive, FINISHED feel when all was said and done. So I took a step back, weighed my options, and came up with a better idea that sated both goals: a Pitch Bible! For those who aren't familiar with the term, Pitch Bible/Series Bible is a term used in televised animation, referring to the character and environmental designs, as well as backstories and other pertinent information used to flesh out an animated series. Any given show will have multiple Bibles, ranging from the overarching design philosophy and plot structure to the specifics of characters and environments in a given episode. I'd like to focus on providing concept art and ...

Project Duboe Final Update

Here's the last of what I've been working on: