Coming up with a viable project to present today was tough. I really wanted to find a way to incorporate the strengths of multiple different artistic paths in order to create a strong desire for a team to work together beyond the simple parameters of the assignment. I wanted everyone involved to be able to proudly append this project to their portfolios. I’m really excited with what I’ve come up with. My project will include elements of Photography, Film (live action), and Animation. The way in which these things will be combined, as a basic gist, is as follows: A live action actor would be filmed and rotoscoped via animation into fantastical stop-motion photographed backgrounds! The story as it exists so far is very rough, and is as follows: A young lady, late for an appointment, takes what she believes to be a shortcut into a labyrinth of back alleys, with corridors and exits leading to peculiar places and whimsical circumstances. One, for example, might lead her to an ...