
Showing posts from January, 2013

Project Update 2

Above are some color palettes I'm considering for our dear little Gods of yore, as well as some rough concepts and design ideas. C'lorodoro's shape seems very obvious to me and just sort of connected at her inception. Tritett, a trio of Gods who lord over the lost camp's fire, are a bit harder to pin. The image I want is that of a dancing trio of musicians who form out of smoke tendrils. It's new territory for me because I'll be god damned if I've never designed a character whose form could not be described in simple shapes. The gestural style necessary to pull off a smoky, wispy look is foreign territory for me. It's a frustrating but very fun challenge.

Some Basic Conceptual Ideas for Project 1


Some Inspirational Bits

I don't think I need to say anything, really.  Look at it. Just... look at it. Karl Kerschl's The Abominable Charles Christopher is simply beautiful. The man's sense of pacing and dialogue are something to behold, and the way he so effortlessly weaves his stories through action and set pieces is remarkable. Truly an artist worthy of admiration.

Project Hiroshi

Artists have all manner of ways to ponder and puzzle over the strange and often inexplicable things that come out of their heads. It would be rather crass of me to simply leave that particular knot without a good prodding, but I'm a busy man. Suffice it to say, us guys is straight up crazy. You dig? Crazy as all, sure, but not without some amount of recompense, else-wise they'd throw people like us into padded rooms, forever locked away in loony town. Satisfying that bizarre itch that is producing content with nothing but your brain and your hands is a rewarding itch to scratch indeed. Bonus points the longer you have to wait to get at it. I've a couple of itches that need a good scratching. For project Hiroshi I present two potential goals. The goals are linked in that they are apart of the same larger framework: they both stem from the dubious and fantastical world that exists inside my head. I would kindly ask that you refer to the first paragraph if the above gi...


Lookit him. Lookit him go. What a silly fellow he is. Someone should tell him he's having too much fun.

Morph Animation

This here is a short looping animation for last semester's Animation 1 class. Thought I'd post it here. For posterity, you know.
Hello Design for Media! This is a place-holder until I figure out what exactly I want for this blog!